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About me


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Hi, I'm Brooke Hathaway!

I live in the 'burbs of Atlanta with my husband and two boys (and yes, we're big Braves fans). We're constantly on the move -- for sports practices/games, music lessons or exploring through travel -- but I wouldn't have it any other way.

I started Royal Blue Creative to be able to provide creative services to companies in the areas where I thrive as a marketing professional: writing and content development. A very wise HR professional once told me, the essence of our work needs to center on the things we’re good at. When we spend all our time working on areas where we're not strong, it leads to burnout. And I couldn't agree more. 

I love to write and have been a bit of a wordsmith for as long as I can remember. It all started with a writing assignment in sixth grade where I had to describe my personality as a color and I chose pink (but don't ask me to remember all the details). I knew way back then that I wanted to write, in some way, shape or form, for a living.

And now, after nearly 20 years in various corporate marketing settings, I have the unique opportunity to do what I'm truly good at. My superpower is to help elevate anyone's business -- big or small -- with the power of words. And I'm excited to see where my business goes from here!